How do I protect my data?


To understand how to protect your data, we must look at the threats against your data and your privacy. Some of the most common threats are:

Virus and Malware infection

Virus and malware infection is one of the most prominent risks faced by computer users today. Cybercriminals are fueled by lucrative profits and are highly motivated to steal your identity information, financial information, proprietary intellectual information, or even just simply your computer processing power and bandwidth.

Theft of electronic or non-electronic device

Theft of electronic devices can not only cost you your computer or phone, but it can also allow the thieves to access your personal information on your devices. Typically thieves are not usually after your data, but when your data is not well protected, thieves can easily steal your financial information, account credentials, and other sensitive personal information. Unprotected data can cause embarrassment or identity theft.

Phishing / Vishing / Smishing

Phishing scams involve criminals sending you scam emails in an attempt to acquire money or information from you. Variations on Phishing are Vishing and Smishing, where the criminals can call you with a scam over the phone, or send a fraud to you via an SMS text message.


Accidental disclosure and Human Error

We all make mistakes. Sometimes, we may send an email or a letter to an unintended recipient, and other times we may lose a valuable document on the bus. If there are accidental disclosures of private and sensitive corporate information through error, then please contact the VCU Information Security Office and let us know. We are maybe able to help in the retrieval of the information, and advise you on how to properly handle this situation.