Report an IT Security Incident
What is an IT security incident?
While the Office of Information Security is responsible for addressing IT security incidents in the university and protecting our students, faculty, and staff, we must all contribute to the observation and reporting of security incidents. An IT security incident can include, but is not limited to, any of the following:
- Unauthorized access to physical space or computing resources
- Compromised Account
- Sharing of personal passwords
- Theft or Loss of devices, electronic or paper data
- Phishing emails and scams
- Unauthorized access to data or accounts or data exposure
How do I report an IT Security Incident?
We encourage all VCU students, faculty, and staff members to report any suspected information IT security incidents to the VCU Information Security Office. You have the following options for doing this, in order of our preference:
- Contact the VCU IT Support Center at (804) 828-2227
- Email the incident information directly to us at infosec@vcu.edu
- Experienced users may also submit a ticket
Regardless of your chosen reporting method, we appreciate your time and will be glad to respond to the report as soon as possible.